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How to Make Custom Scent by Yourself at Home


The habit of using perfume in human civilization goes back before thousands of years. This is why whenever we get a chance to present ourselves, we tend to smell good. Using scents became such a part without which something remains incomplete. But getting a perfume from a well-known brand can be expensive. In contrast, cheap perfumes may not be healthy.

Keeping all these in mind, we came out with a way to make your custom scent to make it at home. Now making a perfume by yourself may seem like a big deal, but in reality, it is not that challenging.

By following a few simple rules, you can make your perfume with your consent for safety. And with the time, you can always learn how to improvise and make your custom scent distinctive.

Materials to make a custom scent

To make good quality perfume, you require some oils to make a mixture that will go with water and alcohol as well.

  • 0.5-ounce sweet almond or jojoba oil
  • 2.5 ounces of ethanol
  • Two tablespoons distilled water or spring water but not impure or tap water
  • Filter of coffee
  • Glass bottle of dark-coloured
  • 25 drops essential oils which you get to buy them from the store or order online or make your own.

Notes and types of notes

The note refers to the necessary oils that you’ll be using to create your perfume base. Here are the definition of notes and the use of three different notes.

Base note:

Base notes are the portion of the scent that keeps lingering, or you can last the longest.

Middle note:

The middle notes fade a bit faster than the base note.

Top note:

The most volatile among all the three notes is Top note. Top note evaporates the at first and quicker than the other three notes.

Bridge Note:

Bridge note evaporates at a moderate rate. The purpose of the Bridge note works like glue to keep the other notes together.

Mixing quantities of oil as per note

  • Base not: 7 drops oils as your choice and requirement
  • Middle note: 7 drops oils choice and requirement
  • Top Note: 6-7 drops oils choice and requirement
  • Bridge note: 2 to 3 drops but this is optional

You can also add some other substances to make your perfume better, such as camphor, black pepper (spicy), vetiver sea salt (ocean scent). Since necessary oils fade at different rates, the way a perfume smells periodically transforms as you put it on.

Here are some models of the standard base, middle, top, and bridge notes:

  • Base notes: Patchouli, cinnamon, cedarwood, vanilla, sandalwood, moss, and fern
  • Middle notes: Geranium, clove, neroli, lemongrass, ylang-ylang, nutmeg
  • Top notes: Jasmine, bergamot, rose, lemon, lime, lavender, orchid, neroli
  • Bridge notes: lavender, vanilla

But these are just examples of how you can set your Base note, Middle note, Top note and Bridge note. The critical factor is to follow the order. The order of mixing the ingredients is vital. If you feel like changing the type of scent and emphasis on other odour profile, then you can follow the order and element of another perfume to duplicate it.

Create your custom perfume following the seven easy steps

  • Add sweet almond oil or Jojoba oil to the container
  • Add all the essential oil following the right order, first, add a Base note, then add the middle note, then, at last, add the top note, and if you desire, you can add few drops of bridge note as well.
  • Put two and a half ounces of alcohol with the mixture.
  • Now, for a couple of minutes shake the container and then let the alcohol and oil mixture sit for 72 hours to six or seven weeks
  • When the scent reaches the stage you desire, add two tablespoons of distilled water or spring water but never add tap water. Mix the water with the perfume by shaking it properly.
  • Filter it with a coffee filter and transfer to the final container that is sealed and dark in colour.
  • Keep the perfume away from much light and heat.

Final Words

So now you know anything is easily achievable. Before researching to find out the ways to make my own perfume, I used to think making perfume should be very challenging. But with time when I went in-depth, I have figured these easy ways to make it happen.

The self-made custom scent will not only save your money but also provide you with a wider range of choices that you can make and keep and use. And the best factor is this perfume has your manufacturing consents because you know what you are mixing.

Best of luck for making a great perfume and you can be the next best perfumer.

One response to “How to Make Custom Scent by Yourself at Home”

  1. Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.

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